Thursday, November 12, 2009

Semesters winding down as winter fast approaches

There is something I love about every season. The summer breeze, the autumn colors, the white snow and endless nights skiing, and cherry blossoms in the spring. As winter fast approaches and my semester comes winding down, it has me thinking about where I want to take the education I've received this semester. I worked the in the healthcare industry for 5 years and only 2 years in the veterinary industry and I gotta say that it sure is a breath of fresh air. Although I never get a thank you or you saved me from an animal, I know they think it deep down inside. I have many ideas up in the air on where to take my education from here and it makes me excited!
This semester has been very rewarding for me. Not only am I finding the material incredibly interesting but the teachers have been so supportive and man, does that make a difference!! I want to give a big Thank you to both Deb and Carolynne for making this semester so enjoyable for all of us. I feel closer to my school mates (even though Ive never met any of you) and I feel that I do have a place in this world with the education Im receiving. And becuase of my continued effort with school and at work, I now have been promoted to technician at the hospital I work for! That makes me so happy! I may not be the "head tech" or know absolutely everything but I certainley try harder to keep up with the big gals at work and they really appreciate it. I have a main duty in my role as a technician and that to set up and coordinate all of our patients who require ultrasounds. I admit though, u/s's are still a bit confusing to me but every shift I learn more and more! I still have shifts as a veterinary technician assistant but now that i have both roles, I respect each one in brand new ways. I may only have 1 tech shift per week but its been so rewarding and makes me feel like Im on the right path and I havent always felt that way.
Final exams are slowly creeping our way and I admit, Im a wee bit anxious about them. There is so much material to learn in both of our classes and right now Im feeling like my brain is going to explode with facts and spelling! So much reading on bacteria, viruses, parasites, sometimes I dream about bugs! Its kinda creepy but at least I know that its in my brain somewhere!
So from here, I guess I gotta just keep swimming!! and wait for the snow to fall over beautiful british columbia.

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