Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Anxiously waiting

I knew at the beginning of this semester that our exams were worth a huge percentage of the final mark but now it is just setting in. Our final exam is worth 50% (for parasitology) of our mark and that really freaks me out... even though I've known about it since week 1! So why the anxious feelings now? Its not new information nor is it surprising. It just scares me to know that regardless of how hard I've worked this semester, the efforts I've put into my collection and viewing of 40 fecal samples, the numerous hours I've spent inoculating, staining, examining, and reporting on various types of bacteria on our BAP's, as well as the studying and memorizing all the millions of parasites we have to know, that all that hard work may be shot to the ground if I dont perform well on this 1 exam. That is a lot of pressure to put onto a student but I guess its a pressure we all have to deal with. I know alot of my class mates are feeling nervous about the exam as well, and we all should! BUT having said that, it is just 1 exam and if we've been working as hard as we say we have then maybe the exam will be a piece of cake... or is that wishful thinking?? I wish you all the best of luck on both our finals and I wish me luck too!


  1. Hi,

    I'm only just learning how to use this. Any tips?
    How do I set up followers etc.? You seem to have conquered it well.


  2. 50% is huge. and i just logged into webct to find out that i completely missed quiz 11 and 12...which looses me those marks... well, i'm freaking a bit. good luck with this last week!
