Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Anxiously waiting

I knew at the beginning of this semester that our exams were worth a huge percentage of the final mark but now it is just setting in. Our final exam is worth 50% (for parasitology) of our mark and that really freaks me out... even though I've known about it since week 1! So why the anxious feelings now? Its not new information nor is it surprising. It just scares me to know that regardless of how hard I've worked this semester, the efforts I've put into my collection and viewing of 40 fecal samples, the numerous hours I've spent inoculating, staining, examining, and reporting on various types of bacteria on our BAP's, as well as the studying and memorizing all the millions of parasites we have to know, that all that hard work may be shot to the ground if I dont perform well on this 1 exam. That is a lot of pressure to put onto a student but I guess its a pressure we all have to deal with. I know alot of my class mates are feeling nervous about the exam as well, and we all should! BUT having said that, it is just 1 exam and if we've been working as hard as we say we have then maybe the exam will be a piece of cake... or is that wishful thinking?? I wish you all the best of luck on both our finals and I wish me luck too!

professional vs personal

As most of you have probably noticed, a lot of the people in this line of work are girls. At my clinic there are 25 girls and 2 guys. Both of our male employees are doctors and 6 of the girls are the doctors, the rest are receptionists, assistants and techs. I've worked with these girls for well over a year and just now am I starting to have difficulties. I do my best to separate professional life from personal life but recently, they've kinda bled into each other. And thats not always a good thing. Im finding myself trying harder and harder to become "friends" with these girls. I mean, at work, we all get along, we all chat and have fun and make an alright team. But i figured that maybe if we were friends that the teamwork, communication and dedication would improve. So i tried but now, it just seems to be biting me in the ass. These girls are not the best of friends and I find myself isolated becuase I tried to do the friends leap. I know, my bad. But now, the team work seems all out of whack and I find myself feeling a little jealous with how well some of the other girls get along. Like, why can't i get along with them like that? And I did all of this becuase I wanted a better team, i wanted us to become not only team members but friends who we could turn to in times of stress. And maybe thats it, thats my problem... in times of stress, they could be the ones I turn too becuase they understand the job and therefore would understand my stress. I can go home, and complain and vent to my family all night long but they dont truly understand where Im coming from or know what Im talking about. So what to do? be friends with these girls and cross that professional/personal line or dont do anything and find another way to release some of the stresses associated with work? But i gotta say, stress relief is not my primary reason for wanting to be "friends" with these girls. I mean, whats the harm in getting some friends in the biz? We all share the same passions, we all have our own pets, we all have a lot in common! So woulnd't the people you work with sort of be the best candidate for a friendship? And who knows, maybe Im saying this and feeling like this because I dont have the best of friends in my life. They are all on different chapters then I am. So theres no familiarity with them anymore... winter always brings the blues and i do my best to fight them but I cant win all the time unfortunatley and this time, i lost.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Semesters winding down as winter fast approaches

There is something I love about every season. The summer breeze, the autumn colors, the white snow and endless nights skiing, and cherry blossoms in the spring. As winter fast approaches and my semester comes winding down, it has me thinking about where I want to take the education I've received this semester. I worked the in the healthcare industry for 5 years and only 2 years in the veterinary industry and I gotta say that it sure is a breath of fresh air. Although I never get a thank you or you saved me from an animal, I know they think it deep down inside. I have many ideas up in the air on where to take my education from here and it makes me excited!
This semester has been very rewarding for me. Not only am I finding the material incredibly interesting but the teachers have been so supportive and man, does that make a difference!! I want to give a big Thank you to both Deb and Carolynne for making this semester so enjoyable for all of us. I feel closer to my school mates (even though Ive never met any of you) and I feel that I do have a place in this world with the education Im receiving. And becuase of my continued effort with school and at work, I now have been promoted to technician at the hospital I work for! That makes me so happy! I may not be the "head tech" or know absolutely everything but I certainley try harder to keep up with the big gals at work and they really appreciate it. I have a main duty in my role as a technician and that to set up and coordinate all of our patients who require ultrasounds. I admit though, u/s's are still a bit confusing to me but every shift I learn more and more! I still have shifts as a veterinary technician assistant but now that i have both roles, I respect each one in brand new ways. I may only have 1 tech shift per week but its been so rewarding and makes me feel like Im on the right path and I havent always felt that way.
Final exams are slowly creeping our way and I admit, Im a wee bit anxious about them. There is so much material to learn in both of our classes and right now Im feeling like my brain is going to explode with facts and spelling! So much reading on bacteria, viruses, parasites, sometimes I dream about bugs! Its kinda creepy but at least I know that its in my brain somewhere!
So from here, I guess I gotta just keep swimming!! and wait for the snow to fall over beautiful british columbia.